Tuesday, March 2, 2010


What I took away from the video Digiteens: Digital Citizenship by Digital Teenagers is that students can learn a lot from each other about new age social networks and using the Internet. They see how they can relate to the subject through each other. I liked the first one about Texting While Driving.

I can see the importance in the messages that the students wanted to get across. When you use the Internet you need to be extremely careful when sharing any information. I use social networking as well as shopping online. I make sure that my information is set to private and make sure that sites are secure. I also know about the problems concerning texting while driving. You can't possibly give driving your undivided attention if you are texting. I know that now it is a law that professional drivers such as city bus driver and school bus drivers are not to use cell phones while working. This is one step in the right direction.

I want to utilize technology in my classroom as much as I can. Having students share useful information on popular technology used is a great tool to get other students to listen. I liked the use of technology for students teaching other students.

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